Top 3 Benefits to Starting Somatic Therapy

Somatic Therapy San Francisco

Maybe you are talked out with “talk therapy” or maybe you love movement and wish you could find a way to combine therapy and dance to help your mental health. Whatever piqued your curiosity about somatic therapy in San Francisco, here are the top 3 benefits and more reasons to get started!

1)     Somatic therapy will help with your mental health.

Somatic therapy is any therapy that used the body to help promote psychological wellness. Fo instance, dance therapy, as defined by the American Dance Therapy Association, is the “psychotherapeutic use of movement to promote emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration of the individual (”  This means that dance therapy is more than just movement: It helps you process and relieve mental health symptoms through a combination of moving and verbally processing.

2)    You will get more in touch with your body and what it needs.

We spend most of our days ignoring our bodies. This can result in not dealing with physical sensations of stress or even our emotional reactions to events in our lives.  Through somatic therapy sessions, you will learn to connect with your body and what you need. . .whether it is rest, food, exercise, or anything else.

3)    You will learn to identify stress and how it appears in your body (as well as how to manage it!).  How we routinely move can show how we deal with stress and life challenges.  You will learn where stress manifests in your body and learn new movement patterns.  By changing how you move, you can change your life!

If you have more questions about benefits of starting somatic therapy in San Francisco, or are curious about somatic therapies in general, please contact me, Lisa Manca, MA, LPCC, BC-DMT, at (415) 212-8780 or


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