Anxiety therapy San Francisco:

You've felt numb for a long time. Any stillness overwhelms you with anxiety as it gives your memories an opportunity to creep up again.

Anxiety therapy in San Francisco for professionals living with numbness and anxiety due to trauma.

dance therapy San Francisco

So you stay busy, constantly moving, pretending you don’t need therapy for this constant anxiety.

You do your best to avoid being by yourself and sitting with your anxiety and without things to do. But you want to crawl out of your skin. It takes a hard workout to feel ok for a moment. . .but it's temporary. You just want to feel like it isn't a struggle to live your life and that you don’t have to constantly be distracting yourself with work, with outings, with the gym. You wished all the past hurt and trauma you have experienced would just stay in the past and stop smacking you in the face through constant thoughts and dreams. 


My name is Lisa Manca.

 I help anxious, intelligent professionals who have experienced pain and tragedy to be at peace in their lives and in their bodies. By using dance therapy and counseling, you don't have to just talk about all the painful memories, you can release them physically from your body. 

Sometimes words are just not enough to help you feel at home in your body again.  If you feel like you are through with only talking and are ready to face the memories that have been haunting you and move towards healing, please contact me here at my San Francisco counseling office to schedule a free 15 minute consultation. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Anxiety Therapy in San Francisco

  • Before you ever come in, you will fill out some history. This allows us to hit the ground running and focus on getting to know you- but also working towards relieving your anxiety ASAP.