The Somatic Edge: Anxiety Therapy for San Francisco Professionals

Currently there are many emerging stressors for professionals in San Francisco. The potential for layoffs, the rising cost of living, and the outrageous rent are but a few of the things that cause anxiety but luckily If you are searching for anxiety therapy San Francisco, I can help.

Somatic Superpowers: Understanding the Body-Mind Connection

Our bodies contain a great deal of wisdom and when we tap into that wisdom, we can begin to heal. Our bodies let us know when we are anxious, when we are avoiding our feelings, and what we need in the moment. . .if we listen to them. However, most people learn to ignore the signals from their bodies when they are “inconvenient.” When we ignore our bodies, anxiety appears. By reconnecting with our bodies, we begin to listen to their wisdom and manage our anxiety differently.

The Professional Advantage: Harnessing Somatic Techniques

When a person experiences anxiety, especially in a professional setting, the ability to harness and tune into the body can be an advantage. If a client learns to see anxiety as a signal to pay attention to their body, they can begin to use somatic techniques to help them regulate their emotions.

Techniques That Work: Somatic Approaches in Anxiety Therapy San Francisco

Somatic approaches to anxiety therapy are especially helpful because the first signs of anxiety appear in the body. The technique used by me, dance therapy, allows clients to pay attention to their body and how their body moves. Dance therapy gives clients the chance to learn how anxiety manifests in the body, how to cope with their anxiety, and how to move in their bodies in a way that gives them ease.

Embracing the Somatic Edge: Integrating Therapy into Professional Life

Through using somatic techniques via dance therapy, I teach clients how to connect with their bodies again. I help clients learn practical skills that help change their relationship to their anxiety and their bodies. My goal is to help clients experience less anxiety overall and to have the tools to help them manage anxiety once therapy has ended. If you have questions about somatic techniques in anxiety therapy San Francisco, please contact me at


How To Find a Somatic Therapist in San Francisco


The Stress-free Professional: Anxiety Therapy San Francisco