Beyond Burnout: Somatic Solutions via Anxiety Therapy San Francisco

Setting the Scene: The Prevalence of Burnout

Among working professionals, burnout can be an occupational hazard. In a city like San Francisco, with its exorbitant cost of living, many employees work themselves past their capacity and put work first in order to survive.

Unpacking Burnout: Understanding the Toll on High Achievers in San Francisco

San Francisco is full of hardworking and talented professionals that are accustomed to working long hours and having work be the most important part of their lives. Many work for tech companies that, along with the many opportunities and perks, have a culture of high turnover and emphasis on speed in productivity. This may cause workers to ignore the symptoms of anxiety and burnout in favor of continuing to achieve. Many come to therapy when they hit a wall and can no longer function at work the way they did previously or when their emotional state is so fragile that work cannot be their focus any longer.

Using Somatic Techniques: A Holistic Approach to Healing

Somatic therapy can be defined as a therapy that incorporates the body in order to work on healing one’s mental health. Each somatic therapy is a bit different but part of the power of using a somatic approach is that it works directly with the body. Many anxiety symptoms, e.g. racing heart, sweating, restlessness, etc., begin in the body, so what better way to deal with physical symptoms? I have training as a board certified dance therapist, which means that I study movement and what that movement means about a person’s mental health. This particular somatic approach helps me to find information that verbal therapy alone would not and gives me interventions other than just speaking with clients.

Cultivating Wellness: Integrating Somatic Practices into Daily Life

As a part of anxiety therapy, a good anxiety therapist who uses a somatic approach will help you connect to your body and feelings. By learning to connect with your body you can deal with signs of anxiety and burnout—before they become all consuming. The goal is integrate the techniques and ways to cope from therapy into everyday life to create a sustainable work/life balance.

The Somatic Shift: Starting Your Journey Beyond Burnout—Anxiety Therapy San Francisco

If you find that stress and anxiety may be overwhelming you and leading to burnout, please reach out to me at or (415)212-8780. I look forward to hearing from you!


From Chaos to Calm: Navigating Trauma with Anxiety Therapy San Francisco


Revitalize Your Work Life: Anxiety Therapy San Francisco