4 Reasons You Need To Book A Dance Therapy Workshop for Your Staff

1)    You have offered every wellness class and self-care workshop you can think of . . .and people still seem to suffer from burn out.

2)    You want to improve morale and get your staff members ready to work again but aren’t sure where to start.

3)    The stress levels at work lately have been insanely high and there is no end in sight.

4)    You genuinely care about your staff and want them to feel good while at work.

Dance therapy workshops offer a way for clients to explore stress, burnout, and other mental health issues in an innovative way. By using movement, we can access different parts of our psyche than by talking alone.  Plus if we change the way we move, we can change how we feel. The best part is clients don’t need to be dancers to do a dance therapy workshop--they can participate in ways they feel comfortable. Dance therapy workshops can encompass a variety of topics in order to meet your company or institution’s needs.


If you are ready to improve your work environment for your team, please give me a call at (415) 212-8780 or contact me at lisa@lisamanca.com.



3 Reasons Dance Therapy Workshops are Great for You (and your workplace)


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