How To Find an Online Anxiety Therapist During a “Therapist Shortage”—Anxiety Therapy San Francisco

In the past week, there have been articles addressing a perceived therapist shortage and how to find a therapist during this time. Although these articles make finding an anxiety therapist seem daunting, there is absolutely NOT a shortage of qualified therapists. There are many therapists available to meet clients’ needs AND more therapists than ever are accessible due to online therapy.  The following are ways to help you navigate the process of finding an online anxiety therapist. 

1)     If you are wanting to use a therapist that is in-network with your insurance, be prepared to do your homework.

 Many insurance companies offer outdated lists of providers for you to call, expecting you to do all the legwork.  However, if you have called 10-15 providers and have not gotten anywhere, call your insurance’s mental health branch and ask that they find a provider for you.  Give them a list of providers you have called and emphasize that you are paying for insurance for a reason and want to be able to use your benefits.

2)    Consider using Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) if your company offers them. 

 Some companies offer several (usually 3-5) therapy sessions paid by an EAP program.  This can be a good way to get short-term help or help that is related to mental health stress caused by your job.

3)    Widen your search area.

 One benefit from the pandemic is that many therapists now offer telehealth.  If a therapist is licensed in your state, they can treat you via online therapy despite not being located in the same city. So if you are having trouble finding therapists in your area, look elsewhere in your state.

4)    Consider seeing a provider that is out-of-network with your insurance. 

    Unfortunately, since insurance companies pay very little to therapists who choose to contract with them, you often will find you have fewer therapists and/or less skilled therapists to choose from should you only wish to see a therapist within your insurance network.  You may benefit from seeing a therapist out-of-network (which insurance may reimburse a portion of their fee) who is qualified to treat you.  Yes, it may be more expensive but your mental health is worth investing in!

Lastly, if you are still having difficulty finding an anxiety therapist in San Francisco or have questions about anxiety therapy online, please reach out to me, Lisa Manca, MA, LPCC, BC-DMTI am happy to give referrals and share any connections I have so that you can get the quality mental health care you need. 



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