Differences Between Dance Therapy and Exercise as Explained by a Dance Therapist in California

Have you ever heard someone say that exercise is my therapy? Exercise can definitely be therapeutic and can involve mental health benefits but there is a difference between exercise and dance therapy. Below is a brief explanation of the difference between exercise and dance therapy as explained by me, a dance therapist in California.

Dance therapy. . .

  • Focuses on how movement makes you feel both physically and emotionally.

  • Involves a therapist trained to analyze movement, with a focus on mental health.

  • Uses movement to bring about changes in mental health

  • Allows space to process emotions, thoughts, and memories as well as the meaning of movement.

Exercise. . .

  • Focuses on physical health and possibly mental well-being.

  • Can be done solo or with someone helping to use muscles correctly or target specific muscles.

  • Uses movement to bring about changes in the physical body.

  • Does not involve psychotherapy or processing the emotional impact of movement.

There are definitely benefits to both exercise and dance therapy. Deciding to do dance therapy can be life-changing and can improve your mental health. Please reach out to me if you have questions or want to know more: lisa@lisamanca.com


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